KERATIN - What is it? – Horus Hair


We all dream of shiny and relaxed hair. However, how do they manage to have such straight hair and a disciplined hair fiber?

All this is possible thanks to keratin straightening. We tell you everything you need to know before applying it!

Fragile, brittle, dry... Emmanuela is at war with her hair and has yet to find a hair care product that has completely convinced her. Until now! After testing the new HorusLiss treatment, there seems to be a happy ending for Emmanuela and her hair...


This smoothing treatment is suitable for natural, colored or highlighted hair, and is also perfect for "frothy" or "wispy" hair because it fights against humidity and frizz.

Brazilian straightening is a keratin smoothing treatment which relaxes the hair fiber by strengthening it, without damaging it. After application, the hair is disciplined, supple, incredibly soft and shiny.

Testimony :

"I have to honestly admit that before testing Horus Hair products, I had never heard of this brand. Now, after testing, I am sure that I will never forget this name again, because I am absolutely a fan! It saved my hair without counting the time and money invested in products that had no place.

Unfortunately, I am not one of those women who always has beautiful, silky, healthy and shiny hair... Quite the opposite, shortly after my visit to the hairdresser, my hair is brittle, damaged and simply not pretty to look at. For me, combing my hair is a real ordeal, especially in the morning after waking up. Hair products that combat this problem are therefore essential for me and for my care ritual."

Keratin smoothing will boost the keratin stock since it is grafted directly into the gaps in the hair.

Usually, it is with the help of formaldehyde and heat that the keratin will be fixed in the hair and will straighten the hair between 40 and 100%.
This smoothing lasts about 2 to 4 months and even with humidity, the hair will not swell.

Concretely, how does Horus Hair smoothing work?
Allow between 2 and 4 hours depending on your hair type and length.
Purifying shampoo to prepare the hair to receive the keratin, drying, application of the product, drying and straightening with plates to fix the components.

Then...between 3 and 4 months of peace, depending on the nature of the hair! You just have to use a shampoo without Sodium Laureth Sulfate (SLS) so as not to attack the keratin stock.
The results are visible immediately after treatment. The treatment lasts for 3 to 4 months, then gradually decreases with each wash without the change being too abrupt.

The time required for styling is also dramatically reduced, in some cases a minimum of drying is sufficient. This treatment restores the elasticity of the hair: humidity, rain or sweat no longer have an impact on the hairstyle.

No more frizzy hair!

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